Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Taxi vs Rental Car

I needed a vacation. I needed a break from driving through Manitoba blizzards. I didn't need the stress of trying to navigate a big city and six lane freeways, especially with a child as a passenger.

But why wouldn't you rent a car when they are only $50 a day? Well, for the above stated reasons and more. In order to NOT drive while on vacation, I chose a hotel with a local shuttle for guests. That, plus the occasional taxi covered all our needs.

I also know myself. When I'm uncertain, I prefer a second adult, with or without GPS, to help navigate. I am a capable driver with maximum merits and lots of confidence, but I'm a prairie girl... not a big city savvy driver. Indeed, I have had a meltdown on a deserted Minnesota gravel road - thanks to our GPS. I'm not proud, but it's true. I could only imagine how wrong things could go in California.

So when I mean vacation, I mean vacation from driving too. Leave the driving to the experts. Leave the rest.... and I mean rest AND relaxation for me.

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