It's 3AM as I write this, and for the past 5 consecutive days, I've worked open to close at the restaurant. I'm tired. And yet, I pick up the scent of a travel deal, and I turn into a tireless bloodhood. I won't stop until I find the big deal.
I won't give you the play-by-play on how I found this, except to say that I shouldn't check my e-mail when I'm in bed. You see, Westjet sent an email with an offer of 20% of econo flights, or 25% off plus.
Ho hum. I didn't think too much of it. I looked around at a couple destinations, and it seemed the prices were inflated so as to accommodate the discount. But, since I was awake, I poked around a little further.
Seems Delta has a nice sale on to Hawaii. (From Winnipeg.) $566 return and taxes in, that's a excellent price any time of the year. (I searched and dates are available through February, but not at Christmas break of course.)
So that's when my 'bloodhound sense' kicks into a higher gear. Hey, I wonder if Westjet has matched those prices yet....
I looked, and yes they have. Nice. Westjet has $566 too. Now I wonder if that discount code works on top of this price match deal....
This is the point I get out of bed and head to an actual keyboard. (tap, tap, tap on the keyboard) Yes, indeed, the promo code works! And voila $483, round trip, taxes included to Maui. $600 to Aruba is pretty sweet too. Now accommodations are extra in both these situations, but that's not hard to solve.
Victory! I found the prize. $483 to Hawaii is a GREAT DEAL! Now I can go to sleep.
But first, take my promo code. I won't use it. (Just incase Westjet didn't send you a code this time.)
Promo Code: REW07 Coupon Code: F8Y7IGP (Yes, you need both)
They key to getting the best price is do a couple flight searches and find your best price combination, THEN go back and do the search WITH the codes. If you use the codes right off the top, it will NOT show you the various dates and potential savings of date selection.
Goodnight! :)

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