Turns out he was offering my services and singing my praises!
Wow! That was a pretty neat feeling to hear my son giving me such a good reference. It has been and continues to be, one of my life's ambitions to design exciting life experiences for my family, through travel.
I knows he sees me at the computer and hastily writing things into a notebook. (Yes, I use good old fashioned pencil and paper when hunting for a deal. I make myself a list of searches & prices in a notebook.) And I know he understands it's a process, but he was recognizing my efforts and that made me feel like a gold medalist.

Whereas the next trip, with the older boy, was a planes and trains adventure where we raced across the country with just our backpacks. Since he is very capable at leading, I let him take the reins. He really showed me what a logical thinker and a mature person he is becoming. Two totally different vacations, but perfectly suited to each and enjoyable.
I look forward to the day when perhaps, one of the boys will invite me on a vacation that they've researched and designed. Until then, I will continue on researching and reading and planning adventures, knowing that I am leaving a lasting impression, and making some pretty cool memories with my kids.
This is why you are my inspiration! ❤️